Trauma & EMDR

Virtual therapy in Texas, Ohio and Washington

"I love helping people get back to themselves. You lose who you are and you miss who you used to be, so let’s figure out who that was and how to get that back.”

Danielle Mendez, LPC, NCC, CTRP-C, CSAT

The struggle is real.

You know that feeling when you're just trying to enjoy a chill Taco Tuesday on the couch, and BAM! – a scene in a movie hits you like a damn dump truck with memories you thought were boxed up?

Or when you're with your partner, and instead of feeling the love, you're reliving nightmares from your childhood?

Yeah, we get it.

Praying, wishing, or dusting it under the rug hasn't made it vanish. It’s real and it’s gritty, and it’s not going away until you finally…

…Deal. With. it.

Showing trauma who’s boss.

Picture this: You're nailing life without the uninvited flashbacks gatecrashing your brain party.

You're trusting people again, feeling like you're actually f*cking enough (because, spoiler alert – you always were).

Those scary shadows around every corner? Gone.

Relationships, work, and even the bedroom become places of strength, not stress.

Your stories, your pain – it's safe here.

And it's big stuff.

I'm unshockable, unshakeable, and ready to roll up my sleeves and dive deep with you.

I'm all about that brain science magic – not a neurologist, just a mega fan of how EMDR can rewire and heal your mind.

Plus, I've walked the trauma tightrope myself. I know the rough and the smooth of this journey, and I'm all in to guide you through yours.

This therapy is for you if you’re experiencing: 

  • Echoes of childhood trauma

  • Everyday triggers

  • Intimacy barriers

  • Recurring nightmares

  • Ineffective coping strategies

  • Everyday activities feel risky

  • Workplace trauma impact

  • Desire for deep healing

What’s EDMR? 

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is like having a mental detox; it's a therapy where you tackle those tough, sticky memories while doing simple eye movements, kind of like watching a tennis match.

This helps your brain sort and store those memories differently, taking the sting out of them, so they don't keep jumping out and scaring you in your day-to-day life.

Ready to face this.